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Oct 18, 2012



HTML means Hypertext markup language. It is a language that we humans have invented, to add commands or to give instructions to a computer. It can be used to create web pages. I can not only help to create text, but also colors with codes. It starts with a file of notepad where all the instructions are typed. After this, the file is saved with a name and at the end, it has ".html", which decides the final form of the file. While savin, if the appropriate name is not entered, it will save the file as notes, with the ending "*.txt"

This is one of the modern inventions of technology. This kind of a language is very beneficial, as it helps rvrn simple people and students to create their own websites. This blog that you are reading right now, is also in the format of HTML. If you look carefully, at the address bar, you will notice that at the end, there is".html" which means that the file you are viewing is in the HTML format. HTML uses tags to create fonts and colors. If you want to see how these tags are added, you can go to the website:

Thus, HTML is a technological development in the forming of a new language, for computers and for people to use. It is also to make it easier for people who like to create websites. Thus, it is very beneficial.