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Oct 19, 2012



What is it? What are its uses? How do we use it? It is a thing that has changed life and helped in development. Without experimenting, we can not prove some things, nor analyse the effects of certain conditions. Experimenting does not only relate to discovering directly by looking, but also with mixing things in every possible ways and noting each and very result that is achieved. Experimenting is like trying new things.

The most important thing in experimenting is to have an idea of the result, after which the experiment can prove it. But, if it does not come out as expected, then the experiment has to be seen again to find mistakes and errors. Thus, experimenting is important in proving ideas. Without experimenting, most things would be believed to be fake, like when it is said that “bread contains starch”, which can be proven by adding iodine to bread, and noted whether it turns blue-black or not.