What is it? A laser is a device that generates an intense and highly concentrated beam of light or other electromagnetic radiation. It is a modern invention, as it has a lot of uses. One of the uses is for operations. In the past, for an operation, it took a long time to open the body, fix the problem and covering it back again. After an operaion, it took a mon th to recover to get back to normal life. This made it a long process.
In today's world, the patient has to just go to the hospital. The next day, the patient would be operated with a laser beam, that does not require the body to be opened. The next day, the patient would be back to normal. This is how lasers have made developments in science, and medical facilities. Thus, lasers are a part of technological development in the world. It is not only built to provide light and heat, but also for operations. This has mainly helped in saving time.
What is it? A laser is a device that generates an intense and highly concentrated beam of light or other electromagnetic radiation. It is a modern invention, as it has a lot of uses. One of the uses is for operations. In the past, for an operation, it took a long time to open the body, fix the problem and covering it back again. After an operaion, it took a mon th to recover to get back to normal life. This made it a long process.
In today's world, the patient has to just go to the hospital. The next day, the patient would be operated with a laser beam, that does not require the body to be opened. The next day, the patient would be back to normal. This is how lasers have made developments in science, and medical facilities. Thus, lasers are a part of technological development in the world. It is not only built to provide light and heat, but also for operations. This has mainly helped in saving time.